Right, I think I have got the difference again, now! I'll update accordingly, when next having a go putting up a set of photos. There are still quite a few. And I may try to organise them better! Some of the new ones have been tacked on to old posts, according to theme.
This is a gallery of photos discovered in the loft of my late mother’s house, mostly of my late stepfather before she married him. Its main interest will be to his children, who were taken to New Zealand in the early Fifties and never saw him again; and his grandchildren.
I'd already started the blog by posting some scans of old photographic prints. Then my sister Mary discovered a box containing 100 negatives - see this post. Instead of sending them for processing, I've been scanning them and turning them into positives.
not me ian could be peter i think
ReplyDeleteRight, I think I have got the difference again, now! I'll update accordingly, when next having a go putting up a set of photos. There are still quite a few. And I may try to organise them better! Some of the new ones have been tacked on to old posts, according to theme.